How Your Donation Helps

Be The Reason for Change
Every dollar of support is equal, it gives us the needed resources to carry out daily service and protection, not only does your support help those most in need it also allows you to be a part of nursing home reform while doing your part to fight against nursing home abuse and neglect.
Meals skipped, call lights blaring, assistance needed but not given! Falls and trauma are happening all in a single facility that is occurring in nearly every nursing home. Tears of agony, defeat, and self-worthlessness that residents and staff alike must face together, but with your support, we can make the necessary changes.
Help please help me is there anyone that will help me, these are the cries of many nursing home residents!
Help please help I can’t find anyone to help assist me! Which are the cries of many staff in nursing facilities, help those who care and need the help by getting rid of management’s favoritism, bullying, uncaring, and lazy staff!
By Supporting Call Light Coalition, in-facility advocates, and our advisory response agents you can help:
- By stopping and preventing abuse and neglect
- Protect residents’ and employees’ rights
- Change Laws and bring reform
- Bring education of residents’ and employees’ rights
- Prosecute or hold accountable those needing
- Bring forth and enforce new regulations for individual nursing facilities