Case Photos – Call Light Coalition

Case Photos

Viewer discretion is advised, as some photos are graphic and uncensored.

Share A Photo

Have a picture or video you want to share?

A picture speaks a thousand words and shows a glimpse of the world you work or live in.
The signs of abuse, neglect, as wells as the joys and celebrations. We are asking for you to share those moments with us so we may inform others about nursing facilities the good the bad and the lazy.

Anyone that submits a photo we ask you to remember resident’s rights and privacy laws please be considerate of others and coworkers no explicit or bad taste photos.  Any person’s private information should not be sent. Be considerate, respectful, and use good judgement when submitting photos. All submitted photos will be considered as the property of the sender and the sender is agreeing to and giving authorization and permission for Call Light Coalition to use any photos submitted. If any subjects are in photos (recognized person), the sender of the photo is authorizing that all persons in any photo is aware of and agreed to be used on this platform and in any way for Call Light Coalition to fight for reform. 

When sending photos of wounds or facility errors, please note do not give residents name unless they authorize you to. Keep their identity private, and only show the wound. Privacy laws and respect.

Please state the following:

  • Facility’s name:
  • City and State:
  • Photo information:
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